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                    SKIN CARE                       


The Secret to healthy, beautiful skin is personalized attention. All of our rejuvenating facial treatments use Bioelements professional skin care products, which are highly individualized formulas used to treat the skin, target complexion concerns and discourage aging. Our highly qualified aestheticians will make a major difference in the appearance of your skin.


Skin Consultation   Free

An in-depth analysis of your skin, including full home care recommendations


Spa Facial    $80.00

A customized deep pore cleansing and exfoliation after an in-depth skin analysis. Followed by a relaxing massage of the face, neck, chest and arms and treatment made mask designed for your skin type. Then, finished with an appropriate moisturizer.


Bioelements Power Treatment   $120.00

All of your skin care concerns are taken into consideration and treated. Beginning with an in-depth skin analysis; followed by a two-step deep pore cleansing, microdermabrasion treatment, and massage of the face, neck, chest and arms. We then combine three unique customized treatment masks infused with two treatment serums to advance your skin to the next level. We finish the treatment with a custom blended moisturizer.


Microdermabrasion Treatment Only     $40.00

Microdermabrasion is a quick and painless treatment that accelerates the rate at which dead skin is exfoliated and jumpstarts the regeneration of new skin cells. It improves conditions in the surface of the skin’s fine lines, age spots, acne, sun damage, and superficial scarring.

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